Healthy Breakfast Bran Muffins with Cinnamon Crumble Topping

December 13, 2011

Sometimes I look at those recipes. But usually it's nothing more than a cursory glance. You know them, the ones they print at the side of packages, probably to fill up empty space. I really do wonder who actually uses them. With the plethora of cookbooks, food blogs, and recipe websites that give you detailed reviews and ratings, I'm accustomed to making a recipe and expecting undeniable success. Or at the very least be compelled by an irresistible picture. But to put effort into something so unknown seems like quite a waste of my time.

{As a side note, I think it's notably amusing when these savvy marketers hide the recipe inside the box, in an attempt to entice you to buy the product just for the recipe!}

Until I met Ralph's Bran Flakes Cereal.

One morning, being true to my childhood habit, I languidly read through every side of the cereal box, ending with a recipe for Honey and Spice Muffins. With NO sugar.

I was sold.

Of course, I had to add some sugar.

I made a cinnamon crumble topping to give the muffin a hint of sweetness.

 I'll admit, I made many considerable changes to the original recipe, but they came out the most delicious healthy breakfast muffins I've ever had.

They didn't even make it to breakfast the next morning!

 tip: this is how you get your husband to eat one

Bran Muffins with Cinnamon Crumble Topping

Yields: 12 muffins


Muffin dough:

1 cup       bran flakes cereal
1/4 cup    coconut milk
1 cup       white whole wheat flour
1/2 cup    honey
1/4 cup    oil
1 1/2 tsp  baking powder
1/2 tsp     salt
1/4 tsp     baking soda
1/2 tsp     cinnamon
1/4 tsp    ginger
2 tb         flaxseeds
3 tb         pecans, ground


1 tb        granulated sugar
1 tb        brown sugar
1/2 tsp   cinnamon

(mixed together)


Heat oven to 375F. In a small bowl, soak the bran flakes in milk for 5 minutes. In a large mixing bowl, combine the remaining ingredients, then add cereal mixture. Beat on medium speed for 1-2 minutes, until well combined. Spoon mixture into paper-lined muffin pan, filling each cup to about 2/3 full. Add the crumble topping mixture. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until tops spring back when touched lightly.


 Feel free to play with the recipe yourself. You can swap the nuts, make them with dairy milk, or even use butter.

Let me know how yours turn out!


  1. These look wonderful. We're muffin monsters over here, and I always prefer the recipes that aren't too much like dessert.

    Love the husband version! Mine works the same way, so when I make quick bread for breakfast, I do his (chocolate chip) and hers (raisin). Men! :)

  2. These look fabulous (and your photos are wonderful). My grandmother A"H always said that the best recipes come off the product box because they want you to have success and continue buying and using their product.

    Love the use of flax and coconut milk. Very nice . . .

  3. Hi, this recipe looks great!
    Just curious, is the flaxseed for health or for the consistency? Could you leave it out? Or would you need to replace it, and with what?

    1. Hi!

      You definitely can leave the flaxseeds out. They won't change the consistency, and I added them just for extra nutrition. Made me feel better about eating three!

      Let me know how they come out for you!


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