Roasted Carrot and Fennel Soup

November 20, 2016

You're probably quite surprised to hear from me again so soon. Not just because I've been posting frequently, but mainly because I'm admittedly an inconsistent blogger. Sometimes I'll be here often, other times things will stay quiet and stagnant, maybe even deserted. I struggle with consistency, probably because I get easily bored and distracted. Or my time management skills consist of making pretty lists over and over again and crossing out an item and then rewriting a new list. I swing from being overly eager to a hopeless procrastinator not uneasily. It's part of my erroneous habit of believing in perfection because anything short just isn't worth while. So I push things off for when I can do perfect, which is never. Somewhere along the way, I settle with whatever I have for the sake of moving on. I'm amazed anew every time I scroll through countless photos and recipes and wonder how I let them be buried. With so much time lapsing, they feel outdated but in reality they're exactly as they ought to be, a delicious recipe that feeds and nourishes. And that's perfect enough. 
I've had this space for a while now (5 years!) and though I love popping in and out, I'm hoping to be here with more intention. I'm not so sure what that will be exactly but I know that in the meantime I'm on a quest to share the recipes I already have, whether I made them for the blog or for the magazine I contribute to.

Let's talk about this roasted carrot and fennel soup. It's a light and creamy soup, perfect as a warm starter come these cold fall evenings. It pairs well with a meaty entree or even a light grilled cheese if you want to go that route. Fennel is one of my favorite root vegetables, mainly for its mild licorice taste, though I hear some people strongly dislike it. I'm not sure we can be friends if you're in their camp, though roasting fennel greatly subdues its sharp taste and brings forth an incredible, understated sweetness that couples well with that of the carrots. I would give this soup a try no matter your opinion on fennel. I'm certain you will love it.

Roasted Carrot and Fennel Soup

2 tablespoons olive oil
2lb carrots, peeled, trimmed and sliced
2 bulbs of fennel, trimmed and sliced
1 onion, peeled and sliced
2 cloves garlic
2-3 medium red potatoes, peeled and sliced
1 quart vegetable stock
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
pepitas, as optional garnish


  1. Preheat oven to 400F. Toss the carrots, fennel, and onion with the olive oil. Place on a rimmed baking sheet and roast for 20 minutes. Add the garlic clove to the pan, give it a shake to release any vegetables that may have gotten stuck and continue roasting for another 20 minutes. 
  2. Transfer the vegetables to a soup pot, add the vegetable stock and potatoes and bring to a boil over medium high. Reduce to a simmer and cook until the potatoes are tender, about 15 minutes. Remove from heat and puree the soup using an immersion blender. Season with salt and pepper and serve. Garnish with some toasted pepitas.

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