pure sweetness

October 4, 2013

Hello, hello.

I've been keeping a secret. It was so sacred and delicate that I couldn't bring myself to announce it to the world just yet. My nature is to keep big things safely guarded within my small world.

Well, I think it's time to divulge.

I baked something special; perfectly sweet and irresistibly delicious.

It's our new baby girl.

She made her appearance into the world just in time to ring in the new year, a mere 4 weeks ago. Everything went smoothly, thank G-d, and her brother and sister are enamored with her.

I feel so incredibly blessed to be able to experience such a miracle. My pregnancy was quite challenging in the way extreme fatigue, debilitating nausea and watching two hyper kids can be. My days melted into each other and my main goal was survival. Meals were mostly haphazard, a careless combination of whatever was in the fridge. I had no strength and felt helplessly uninspired. The few times I had energy to cook and create, I came back eager to share, because I love being here.

We're still transitioning into our new life, our new routines. I'm trying hard, amongst the chaos of everyday life, to be present during the fleeting time of the newborn stage. Her tiny toes, intoxicating smell, squeaky cry; I love it all. She has brought so much light into my world, reigniting my passion and love of motherhood. My heart swells with gratitude for this wondrous little creature that I get to drape in different shades of pink.

"For You created my reigns, You covered me in my mother's womb. I shall thank You for in an awesome, wondrous way I was fashioned; Your works are wondrous, and my soul knows it very well." Tehillim (Psalms) 139:13-14

So friends, this is a sappy way of telling you all that I'm back. I'm easing into things slowly, but nevertheless I'm back to this space where I get to share with you uh-mazing foods. In the past few weeks, my mind has been overflowing with many ideas. I've been dutifully scribbling (and typing) notes, making sure not to miss any bout of inspiration.
Enjoy the last lingering days of summer, cozy up to the upcoming days of fall, and hold onto the enthusiasm of this new year.

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